When you purchase a new car from a dealer, you have a certain level of peace of mind accompanying your purchase.
New cars are covered by a legal guarantee of two years without a mileage limit, whereas the manufacturer has to take car of the faults and breakdowns that have arisen with the car, so long a they are not caused by misuse, lack of maintenance or wear.
Factory defects are also covered by the legal guarantee, but in this case the claim must be made during the first six months from the date of delivery of the vehicle. After that time it is necessary to prove that the defect is actually caused at the manufacture stage and, for that, an expert report must be presented to prove it.
The Madrid-based Asociación Madrileña de Distribuidores de Automóviles (AMDA), also wants to advise owners that you also have consumer rights if you have to visit the workshop for these repairs.
In the event that the vehicle suffers a fault covered by the warranty, the time spent in the workshop for repair will not count as part of the warranty period and that time will be added to the original date of termination of the warranty. It is necessary to request a receipt with the date of delivery and return of the vehicle, together with the repair report.
The buyer not only has rights when buying a car, but work carried out in authorised mechanic’s workshops are guaranteed, whether it is a maintenance check or a repair.
It is however necessary to differentiate between two situation: when it is a repair covered by the legal guarantee, in this case the period of cover is six months; If it is a repair outside the warranty period, the workshop will be responsible for its work for three months or 2,000 kilometres.
Many manufacturers offer the option to expand the warranty period. The conditions vary according to the manufacturer, the length of time, mileage, and what is covered. therefore, the conditions must be read carefully.