A COMMON question that often crops up for drivers in Spain is what documents must be carried in the car with you. Here we have the answers…


The ITV card

This is the official document which relates to the technical inspection of the vehicle.


ITV report

Once your vehicle is four years old it is required to have the mandatory ITV test and the report which states what happened during the inspection and confirms it is road worthy, and it must be carried in the vehicle.

Permiso de Circulacion

The Permiso de Circulacion is similar to a log book for a vehicle and contains information such as the number plate, vehicle owner and other details relating to the vehicle.


There are also some other documents which are not compulsory, but it is advisable that you carry them with you. These include:


Insurance policy

This is not compulsory as all the information is contained on a central computer, how-ever, if you are involved in an accident you will need to know your policy details so it is easier to have them to hand.


European Accident Agreement

Again, this is not compulsory, but it is advisable to carry the European Accident form as it will help you ensure data is recorded correctly in the event of an incident. The forms are available in a number of languages but are all laid out the same so it bridges any language gaps.


Copies of your Suma annual tax which is paid to municipal town halls is also not compulsory.


Remember that the documents you carry must be the originals, not photocopies. Notarised copies are allowed, but this is the only exception.